Pro Tips: Photos You Need to Take at 2024 Breeders’ Cup at Del Mar

Events / Travel
2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships, Del Mar, Eclipse Sportswire
Find a couple of great photo spots to capture the memories of a weekend attending the 2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships Nov. 1-2 at Del Mar. (Eclipse Sportswire)

If you’re headed to the 2024 Breeders’ Cup at Del Mar Nov. 1-2, there’s a good chance you’re showing up with phone in hand. There’s no shame in it — you’re going to be at the World Championships of horse racing. If you don’t have the photos to prove it, were you really even there?

As someone who has been lucky enough to visit Del Mar on several occasions, I thought I’d give you a little preview of some of the spots at the track where you can capture some awesome photos. Here are the people, places, and things that you might want to capture with your phone camera — or an actual camera!

The Paddock

2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships, Del Mar, Eclipse Sportswire
The paddock is always action-packed. (Eclipse Sportswire)

For those new to horse racing, the paddock is where all the action happens before each race. Seeing as there will be 14 championship races over the two-day Breeders’ Cup, the paddock will be where the horses for each of those races will make their first appearance to the public.

If you want a picture of a particular horse, secure a spot outside the Del Mar paddock at least 30 minutes before their scheduled race. At the Breeders’ Cup, you might want to show up to the paddock area even earlier because it can get crowded and snapping a photo that’s blurred by some dude’s head in front of you isn’t what you want.

Paddock Entrances/Exits

Sometimes, you don’t actually have to be right outside the paddock to capture a cool photo. There are two main paths into and out of the paddock where people will line up before each race.

The clubhouse-side paddock entrance at Del Mar is where the horses complete their walks over from the barn area. When they’re ready to head to the track, they walk out an exit to the track and that pathway is another area outside of which you can stand. That same path is where you’ll see the jockeys coming out of the “jocks room” before each race and who doesn’t love a photo of a jockey?

17 Hands

If your camera roll is filled with photos from every restaurant you visit, I feel you. In between races, pop into 17 Hands which is just to the right of the paddock — if you’re facing the paddock with the racetrack behind you. 17 Hands is one of the easiest spots on the ground level of Del Mar to pick up a signature Del Margarita. Pair it with a couple of tacos and you’ve checked off the food/drink photo box.

Plaza de Mexico & The Fountain

2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships, Del Mar, Eclipse Sportswire
The fountain is a great photo spot at Del Mar. (Eclipse Sportswire)

Not far from 17 Hands is one of Del Mar’s most iconic spots — the fountain at the center of Plaza de Mexico. The plaza functions as a hub for a lot of activity at the track, including the popular hat contest held every year on opening day of the summer meet in July.

If you stand just in front if the fountain while facing the grandstand, you’ll fill your photo frame with one of the more striking representations of the track’s beauty.

Starting Gate

Pay close attention to the starting gate. You’ll note that after each race, it’ll be repositioned on the track so that it is parked in a spot to accommodate the various distances at which racehorses run. For some of the longer races, the gate will be positioned right in front of the fans in the grandstand. So, plan ahead and take note of which races will start on the frontside of the track — there’s a mini track map in the racing program that’ll show you where each race begins — and scout out a spot near the rail.

You can capture photos of the horses loading into the gate and pictures of the race starting. This also an ideal selfie spot.

JockeyCam VR Horse Rides

Yep, you read that correctly. You can experience what it’s like to ride in a horse racing by trying on the VR headseat and hopping onto one of the stationary horses set up by the team at JockeyCam.

What’s even funnier is taking photos or, even better, video of your friends doing their best to virtually ride a racehorse. Trust me! Find the JockeyCam VR horses, dare your friends to try it, and capture as much content as possible. You’ll have a memory you’ll be laughing about for years.

Breeders’ Cup Photo Walls

2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships, Del Mar, Eclipse Sportswire
Find a great Breeders’ Cup backdrop for a photo. (Eclipse Sportswire)

Just as you’d find at other major outdoor sporting events, the event photo-ops and flowery backdrops tend to pop up around big days in racing. If you’re in a VIP hospitality area for Breeders’ Cup, you’ll almost certainly spot one.

But even if you’re roaming the grandstand during the World Championships, a flower wall or a similar Breeders’ Cup branded backdrop will be there for a photo to mark your visit to Del Mar.

Winner’s Circle

On race days, this area is strictly guarded for access by official personnel, media, owners, trainers, and grooms who care for the horses. However, if you stand just outside the winner’s circle, you can still snag a cool shot of a winning horse being led in for his or her post-race track photo. You’ll also occasionally spot a celebrity or two presenting the winner’s trophy for a Breeders’ Cup race.

Exterior Gardens/Flowers

2024 Breeders’ Cup World Championships, Del Mar, Eclipse Sportswire
There are countless great photo spots, so keep your eyes open. (Eclipse Sportswire)

This will be the first and last reminder of Del Mar’s aesthetic beauty.

On your way into and out of the track, take note of immaculate landscaping which will include bright flowers, bushes and other plants (that I wish I could identify).

Suffice it to say, it all makes for beautiful photo opportunities — whether you’re just capturing the flowers and plants by themselves or if you decide that they’re the perfect background for a photo or yourself or the people who’ll be at the Breeders’ Cup with you.

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