Ferrin Peterson’s ‘Boundless’ Podcast Kicks Off With Hall of Fame Jockey Steve Cauthen


Jockey and veterinarian Ferrin Peterson’s new podcast exploring the vast world of Thoroughbred racing begins with a legendary guest for episode one: Hall of Fame jockey Steve Cauthen.

Peterson and Cauthen discuss all facets of his remarkable career, from winning the Triple Crown aboard Affirmed as an 18-year-old in 1978 to being named Sports Illustrated’s “Sportsman of the Year” over icons like Muhammad Ali and Reggie Jackson to making history on both sides of the Atlantic. Don’t miss this must-watch episode for any horse racing fan.

Be sure to subscribe or download on your favorite podcast platform, including Spotify and YouTube and coming soon to Apple. “Boundless explores the stories of individuals who have accomplished the seemingly impossible by breaking molds and redefining success through unique challenges, pivotal moments, and unbreakable determination.” Future guests include Chris McCarron, Patti Cooksey, Pat Day, Sandy Hawley, Shannon Arvin, Rosie Napravnik, and Diane Crump among many others.

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