Racing’s Great Rivalries: Curlin, Hard Spun, and Street Sense
Cultor de la familia, la amistad, el trabajo y la paciencia.
“Hay que arriesgarse para saber el calibre que uno tiene”.
Muy agradecido con Dios por sus logros personales y familiares, por su superación “desde la nada” en su Panamá natal y dejar atrás los altibajos propios de su profesión, Ricardo Santana Jr, a sus 27 años, se muestra un jockey hecho para grandes momentos; cada día mejor, responsable, solidario, y sobre todo, muy efectivo, lo que garantiza su sustento y su camino a sitiales que solo ocupan los campeones.
El multiganador considera el momento más significativo en su carrera –hasta ahora– “cuando gané mi primer Grado I, porque ese día cumplí mi sueño”, dice emocionado, en referencia al triunfo con Creator (Tapit en la peruana Morena, por Privately Held) en 2016 en el Arkansas Derby.
Recuerda que se cruzaban lágrimas y sonrisas en medio de la euforia. En compañía de su “hermanito del alma, Carlos Carrasco”, salió de vacaciones a Puerto Rico. "En el camino al aeropuerto vimos el video más de un millón de veces”, evoca muy emocionado. “Fue uno de los momentos más divertidos de mi carrera”.
“Ganar una Breeders era uno de mis sueños”, expuso en torno al triunfo que obtuvo a bordo de Mitole. Confesó que después de haber corrido en Pimlico juraba que Mitole no regresaría. “Pero se dio esa segunda oportunidad. Fue un momento único ver a mis padres y mi hija apoyándome. Es mucho para mí”, expuso Santana Jr.
En torno a su familia asevera: “Es lo mejor que me ha pasado, ser esposo y padre; por eso no creo en días malos. Llegar a tu casa y ver sonreír a tu hija, eso te hace olvidar lo peor que te pueda haber ocurrido. No hay nada más bonito que el amor de tu hija y tu familia”.
Uno de sus fuertes es la amistad. “Me llevo bien con todo el mundo, pero hay un amigo que considero parte de mi familia, Joel Rosario, mi jockey favorito. Siempre ando con él. Me abre las puertas de su hogar”, y nombra a otras amistades como Kendrick Carmouche, entre muchos.
Se autodefine “muy noble y respetuoso”. Y advierte que “en la pista hay un punto y aparte. Lo que pasa en el negocio se queda en el negocio; siempre con mucho respeto mutuo”, puntualizó.
A petición nuestra, este campeón aconseja a las nuevas generaciones: “Trabajar duro. No es un negocio fácil. Mentalizarse en lo que se quiere. Como me dice mi papá: arriesgarse para saber el calibre que uno tiene”.
Muestra sed de nuevas metas: “Quisiera ganar una de la Triple Corona. Un Kentucky. O un Whitney. Hay que trabajar. Pido a Dios me proteja porque en esta profesión nadie sabe qué va a pasar”.
Santana Jr muestra profundo sentido patriótico. “Panamá es el país que me vio nacer y crecer, y aunque no monté mucho allá, ahí nació mi inspiración para venir a Estados Unidos donde me hice. Mi país está en mi corazón y significa mucho”, aseguró.
Rememora desde niño la imagen de su padre en una silla de ruedas (por un accidente hípico). “De eso he aprendido, y saco siempre lo positivo. Son golpes que me han impulsado a ser quien soy”, este joven que vive dos pasiones que le mueven la vida: jugar soccer y escuchar vallenato.
Quizás esa combinación deportiva, rítmica y de alegría lo hace disfrutar cada triunfo al máximo. Halla en la paciencia una de sus virtudes. “Si no gano carreras no me desanimo. Mi agente me ha enseñado bien. Vivo el día a día. No me desespero. Si dejas todo en las manos de Dios verás los resultados…”.
Como apasionado de su oficio muestra afecto por varios ejemplares:
Mitole (Skendereya en Indian Miss por Indian Charlie): “Especial. A pesar de sus problemas siempre me lo entregó todo en la pista. Muy difícil conseguir un ejemplar así. Es mi mejor caballo y me dio tantos frutos. Era un guerrero de la vida.”, aseveró.
Whitmore (Pleasantly Perfect en Melody’s Spirit por Scat Daddy): “Muchas alegrías. Es difícil de montar pero con él me llevo súper bien. Uno de mis favoritos”, aseguró.
Bee Jersey (Jersey Town en Bees por Rahy): “Mucho cariño. Bien noble. Lo trajeron de Dubai y lo trabajé en Keeneland. Por su fuerza abría las puertas. Por eso se lesionó y fue a la cría”. Ganaron el Runhappy Met Mile (G1).
Volatile (Violence en Melody Lady por Unbriedled’s Song): “Siempre se mostró decente, aunque en sus primeras tres salidas no arrancaba bien. Lo mandaron a la finca. Lo enseñaron a partir. Ahora con su fuerza tiene mucho futuro”, sentenció el panameño que derrocha su estirpe campeonil en los hipódromos estadounidenses.
Translation by Annise Montplaisir
Ricardo Santana Jr. is devoted to his family, friendships, work, and patience.
“You must take risks to know your caliber of talent,” he said.
Santana is grateful to God for the gift of his family and personal accomplishments, for overcoming a beginning “from nothing” in his native Panama, and the ability to leave aside the ups and downs of his profession. At 27 years old, he appears to be a jockey meant for great things. Every day striving to be better, responsible, supportive, and on top of it all talented, which guarantees his livelihood and a journey to levels of honor that only champions occupy.
The frequently winning rider considers the most significant moment in his career – up to this point – “When I won my first Grade 1, because that day I achieved my dream,” he says emotionally, in reference to the triumph with Creator (by Tapit out of Peruvian mare Morena, by Privately Held) in the 2016 Arkansas Derby.
He remembers the tears and smiles that crossed his face in the midst of the euphoria. In the company of his “little soul brother, Carlos Carrasco,” he went on vacation to Puerto Rico.
“On the way to the airport we watched the video more than a million times,” he recalled excitedly. “It was one of the most fun moments of my career.”
“Winning a Breeders’ [Cup race] was one of my dreams,” he expounded about his triumph aboard Mitole in the 2019 Breeders’ Cup Sprint. He confessed that after having run at Pimlico (in the 2018 Chick Lang Stakes), he swore that Mitole would not return. “But he gave that second opportunity. It was a unique moment to see my parents and my daughter supporting me [at Breeders’ Cup]. That means a lot to me,” Santana said.
About his family, Santana said: “It’s the best thing that has happened to be, being a husband and father; because of that I don’t believe in bad days. To arrive home and see your daughter smile, that makes you forget the worst that could have happened. There is nothing more beautiful than the love of your daughter and your family.”
One of his strengths is friendship.
“I get along well with everyone in the world, but there is a friend that I consider part of my family, Joel Rosario, my favorite jockey. I always go with him. He opens the doors of his home to me.”
He also names other strong friendships, including jockey Kendrick Carmouche, among many others.
He defines “noble and respectful,” frankly stating that what happens “on the track is one thing, and it’s another thing apart from that. The thing is that business remains business; always with a lot of mutual respect.”
When you request it, the champ gives this advice to younger generations: “Work hard. It is not an easy business. Envision what you want. Like my father said, ‘Take risks to know your caliber of talent.’ ”
He shows a thirst for new goals.
“I would like to win one of the Triple Crown races — a Kentucky Derby — or the Whitney. You have to work for it. I ask God to protect me because in this profession nobody knows what’s going to happen.”
Santana Jr. shows a profound sense of patriotism.
“Panama is the country that saw my birth and growth, and although I did not ride much there, it was where my inspiration was born to come to the United States where I did ride. My country is in my heart and means a lot to me,” he affirmed.
He recalls from his childhood the image of his father in a wheelchair, which was the result of a horse racing accident. “I have learned from that, and I always take the positive from it. They are blows that have driven who I am,” – a young man who lives two passions that move his life: playing soccer and listening to vallenato (a popular form of Colombian folk music).
Perhaps that combination of sport, rhythm, and joy help him to enjoy each triumph to the greatest extent possible. And with it, the virtue of patience.
“If I don’t win races it doesn’t bring me down. My agent has taught me well. Live day to day. I do not despair. If you leave everything God’s hands you will see the results …”
Having a passion for his trade, he has a lot of affection for several of the horses he is connected to:
Mitole: “Special. Despite his problems, he always gave it all to me on the track. It is really difficult to get a horse like that. He is my best horse and gave me so many joys. He was such a warrior.”
Whitmore: “So many joys. He is difficult to ride but he gets along with me super well. One of my favorites.”
Bee Jersey: “Very sweet. Rather noble. They brought him from Dubai and I worked him at Keeneland. It was through his strength that opened doors for him. But it was also because of that how he injured himself and went off to stud.” But not before the pair won the Runhappy Met Mile together.
Volatile: “He always showed he was decent, however his first three races did not go well. They sent him to the farm. They showed him how to leave the gates. Now with his strength, he has a big future.”