
Chestnut Gelding / March 23rd, 2012 in PR / by Concerto out of Islera

Current Earnings
2021 earnings
Speed Figure
speed figure
Current Win %
2021 wins

racing Record

2021 Stats
Career Stats
3 Firsts 20
1 Seconds 12
0 Thirds 14
8 Unplaced 25

12 Starts 71
$20,942 Earnings $216,187
$1,745 Earnings / Start $3,045

Top Connections

Maximo Gomez

trainer Maximo GomezView Profile

Luis F. Rivera

jockey Luis F. RiveraView Profile

Establo Cinco Hermanos

owner Establo Cinco HermanosView Profile

recent activity

There is currently no activity for this horse.

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