Morgan Hayden
The road to the Thoroughbred Makeover is one of the most versatile experiences you can be a part of simply because there are not right or wrong ways to prepare....
Posted August 29th, 2023 ·
Thoroughbred Makeover Diary: The Horses Need ‘Me’ Days Too
When we take a seat back and think about why we make the decision to ride, retrain, or even own horses the answer always seems to come back to reasons around ourselves. We own them for happiness,...
Posted July 24th, 2023 ·
Thoroughbred Makeover Diary: Patiently Walking That Walk With Goldie
The retraining process no matter how many times you think about it or say it, is just not easy. There are so many things to think about and just when you really feel like you are hitting the peak...
Posted June 27th, 2023 ·
Thoroughbred Makeover Diary: Hear the Horse’s Voice First
As we all continue our retraining journey with our Thoroughbred Makeover potentials, there is still one thing that lingers on my mind … what discipline will I enter?...
Posted May 30th, 2023 ·
Thoroughbred Makeover Diary: One Step Backward and Two Steps Forward
The retraining process can be extremely tough with any new horse. It can leave you learning new valuable lessons while also leaving you with many questions that you may not be able to answer on...
Posted April 24th, 2023 ·
Thoroughbred Makeover Diary: New Journey with Goldie’s Boy, Closing the Circle
My name is Morgan Hayden and I am an amateur from Townsend, Del. This will be my fourth time competing in the Thoroughbred Makeover. I am an all-around English rider with a love for eventing. I am...
Posted March 27th, 2023 ·